Minato Chan is the last of humankind to have a connection to the Yokai world. As she embarks on the journey to unite the tanukis, she conjures others to form a nation.
Minato Chan is a “BUY-2-BUIDL” collection empowering the builders of the Web3 space.
As a builder, you have the ability to drive the coming era of Tanukiverse, from forging a brand to creating
products. You get to be part of the exciting team dedicated to building the most immersive web3 experience.
A dynamic NFT collection with more than 10,000 hand drawn traits, with many more that can be uncovered as you progress through the journey. You can alter your PFP using on-chain dynamics by utilising badges and tokens collected by completing various tasks, allowing you to customize your PFP and build your own identity.
To claim your Minato Chan PFP, you must hold at least one ChitoseAme Candy and one Pebble Potli NFT.
While buying ChitoseAme Candy, please ensure the corresponding Token ID for Minato Chan isn't available